Akshay Trithiya Gangotri photo Anjali Capila

 Akshay Trithiya

22/04/2023 Romola Butalia 0

 Akshay Trithiya, one of three most auspicious tithis in the year, is associated with several legends through different periods of time. Akshay Trithiya is on the third tithi of Shukla […]

Durga Devi

Navaratri: Nine Nights of Devi

14/04/2022 Romola Butalia 1

Chaitra Navaratri is from 2nd April to 11th April 2022 Prathamam Shailaputri ca dvitiyam brahmacharini |Tritiyam chandra ghanteti kusmandeti chaturhakam || Panchamam skandamaateti shashtam katyayaniti ca |Saptamam kalaratriti mahagauriti chastamam […]

awareness and mindfulness

Awareness is the Key

16/11/2020 Rajiv Butalia 0

Awareness must be cultivated. No amount of discussion, reading, sitting in meditation or prayers will enlighten us. The traveller on the journey needs to walk with one-pointedness, mindfulness, ceaseless determination, […]


Practice: Tat Twam Asi

09/11/2020 Michael Bartura 0

My practice is to remember and acknowledge ‘Tat Tvam Asi’. We are all here as expressions of the boundless.  Me and Mine Spending time with those dedicated to exploring and […]

Sacred Forest river

Sacred Forest

07/10/2020 Debal Sen 0

The little boy lived in the high mountains. An undulating green pasture served as the ledge on which the little hamlet nestled. Precipitous trails from the village arrowed down to […]

consciousness stones to Spirit

Consciousness Impulse

13/09/2020 Rajiv Butalia 1

Consciousness impulse drives evolution “The very stones cry out and raise themselves to Spirit “. Georg Hegel, the German philosopher. Intriguing?  it folows that the consciousness impulse drives evolution. Consider […]